Think you know everything there is about the Social Networking world? Want to put it to the test? Try out Smarterer and see if you really are the whiz you think you are!
Smarterer is a site where you can test your knowledge of just about any company or interest you can think of, and if you can't find something that interests you? Make your own test! Smarterer allows members to create tests, add questions to current tests and even edit other members questions.
I found out about Smarterer through Bzzagent and started out by taking the BzzAgent test, I though as a long time member that there wouldn't be much I didn't know already. I was wrong! I did well, but not perfect and through the test I actually learned a lot about BzzAgent. I'm not a test person, so I wasn't sure I'd enjoy willingly taking a test, but Smarterer is actually fun!
After trying the BzzAgent test, I decided to try a few others. After taking the Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr tests I found out there is still a lot for me to learn about the sites I visit everyday.
This is a fun site to test your knowledge and learn more about your interests and with how interactive and easy it is, I wouldn't be surprised if teachers might attempt to use Smarterer as a fun way to take quizzes in school.
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