My Sites

Who I work with and where to find me


BzzAgent is a Word of Mouth (WOM) site, sign up for campaigns to try new products and brand free! All you need to do is Bzz about it, share your opinions and freebies with your friends. I've been using BzzAgent since 2008, and it's still one of my favorites.


Smiley360 is another WOM site, fill out surveys to qualify for missions. You'll receive free products to test and share! Smiley360 is a great site to start out with if you're interested in WOM marketing.


Influenster is a fun review site, for anyone who loves cosmetics, hair care, and more. Review products you love, complete Snaps (mini surveys), and earn badges. If you're lucky you may just qualify for a VoxBox of goodies to review! It used to be a little easier to get into VoxBox campaigns back when Influenster was new, I've been re-enrolled for a few months now and still haven't had any luck myself. 

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